Machine Learning as a Service vs. Self-Service Platforms

October 20, 2021

Machine Learning as a Service vs. Self-Service Platforms

Machine learning is a subfield of Artificial Intelligence, which involves the use of various algorithms and models to help computers perform certain tasks without explicit instructions. In recent years, machine learning has become more accessible and widely used in various fields, leading to the development of two popular models: Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS) and self-service platforms.

Here, we'll take a closer look at both models, providing a factual comparison and assessing their pros and cons, so that you can make an informed decision, and maybe even impress your colleagues with some witty jokes along the way.

Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS)

MLaaS provides companies with cloud-based tools and services that they can use to build and deploy machine learning models. With MLaaS, the focus is on ease of use, scalability, and low-code or no-code options. Some popular MLaaS platforms include Google Cloud AI, IBM Watson, and Amazon SageMaker.


  • Cost-effective: MLaaS platforms are generally affordable and charge users based on utilization.
  • Time-efficient: With MLaaS, you don't have to worry about the infrastructure, which can save you a lot of time and effort.
  • Easy to use: Many of these platforms offer user-friendly interfaces and low-code options, making it easy for non-technical users to build and deploy machine learning models.
  • Scalable: As your requirements scale, the platform will scale with you, meaning you won't have to worry about hardware or other related costs.


  • Limited customization: Since MLaaS is designed to be a generic solution, they often only support general machine learning tasks and lack customization options for specific use cases.
  • Dependency on a third-party vendor: Using an MLaaS platform means that you are dependent on the platform provider, and you have to follow their policies and procedures, which may limit your flexibility and control.
  • Security concerns: With MLaaS, you are sharing sensitive data with the platform provider, so it's important to make sure the provider can secure your data adequately.

Self-Service Platforms

Self-service platforms allow users to build and deploy machine learning models on their own infrastructure, using open-source tools and frameworks such as TensorFlow or PyTorch. Since everything is managed in-house, there is more flexibility and control over the process, but also more responsibility for maintaining the infrastructure.


  • Customizable: Self-service platforms allow for more customization and flexibility. You can use open-source tools and frameworks and customize them to your needs.
  • Control: Since you manage everything in-house, you have more control over the entire process, from infrastructure to security.
  • Security: Because you are in control of your infrastructure, you can implement data security measures that meet your specific needs.


  • Cost: Setting up and maintaining your own infrastructure can be expensive, as it requires significant upfront investment.
  • Time-consuming: Setting up your infrastructure and configuring the software can take a lot of time and effort, which could be better spent on other tasks.
  • Technical expertise: Self-service platforms require significant technical expertise, and using them effectively requires knowledge of various tools and frameworks.


Both MLaaS and self-service platforms have their pros and cons, and the choice between them depends on your specific use case, budget, and technical expertise. If you're looking for a low-code or no-code option, and don't want to worry about infrastructure, MLaaS might be the right choice. If you require more control over your infrastructure and want more customization options, self-service platforms could be the better fit. Ultimately, the most important aspect of selecting the right model is ensuring it aligns with your project's goals, and that you are ready to support it effectively.

Hope this article has helped clarify some of the differences and helped you make an informed decision. If you have any other ideas or suggestions, we would love to hear from you!


  1. Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS) vs Self-service Machine Learning
  2. What Is the Difference Between Self-Service and Cloud-Based Machine Learning?

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